Manzanos Wines is the wine division of Manzanos Enterprises, engaged in the elaboration of wine of appellation Rioja, Navarra and Wine from Spain since 1890. It now embodies ten different wineries, the result of the company’s growth during these five generations of the family.
After more than 128 years dedicated to wine culture, Manzanos Wines owns 250 hectares in D. O. Ca. Rioja and controls 700 hectares more, 50 hectares owned in D. O. Navarra and controls 525 hectares more. The company sums up a total of 1.525.
One of the main assets of Manzanos Wines is the wide extension of its own vineyards. Each area and each valley of Rioja have unique features. These features widely depend on the relation between the climate, the soil and the vineyard. Do not to forget about the importance of the production and elaboration techniques that are determined by our technical team. Both factors together determine the singularity of each wine.
Our vineyards are distributed throughout different municipalities, it allows the exploitation of the different soils as well as the differences of each variety of grape. This is why the harvest lasts a long period of time, due to the fact that we wait for each parcel to have the optimal ripening. This fact makes possible to harvest different parcels at different times.
Manzanos Wines has 2.000 barrels in stock in Bodegas Manzanos Azagra, of which 20% of them are annually renewed. Bodegas Manzanos Campanas has 2.500 barrels, Bodegas Manzanos Haro has 1.000 barrels and Bodegas Luis Gurpegui Muga has 15.000 barrels more.
They all make a total of 20.500 barrels.
Address: CTRA. NA.134 KM.49 – 31560 – Azagra (Navarra)
Phone: +0034 948 692 500
Fax: +0034 948 692 700